科学 & 技术


冠状病毒利用其膜上的蛋白质(在分子模型中以红色表示)与人类细胞上的受体(以蓝色表示)结合,进入细胞. Once inside, the virus uses the cells' machinery to make more copies of itself. (Juan Gaertner / 科学 Source)
Rochester research into RNA 结构 and function provides key information for developing coronavirus treatments.

The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved emergency use authorization for a 辉瑞公司研发的新冠病毒疫苗 以及德国制药公司BioNTech.

该疫苗创造了历史,不仅因为它在临床试验中报告了95%的预防COVID-19的有效率, but because it is the first vaccine ever approved by the FDA for human use that is based on RNA technology.

“The development of RNA vaccines is a great boon to the future of treating infectious diseases,” 林恩MaquatJ。. Lowell Orbison Distinguished Service Alumni Professor in bio化学 and biophysics, 肿瘤学, and pediatrics at Rochester and the director of Rochester’s Center for RNA Biology.

COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease 2019,” is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. 像许多其他病毒一样,SARS-CoV-2是一种RNA病毒. 这意味着, 不像人类和其他哺乳动物, SARS-CoV-2的遗传物质是以核糖核酸(RNA)编码的。. 病毒的RNA是狡猾的:它的特征使人体的蛋白质合成机制误认为是我们自己的DNA产生的RNA.

For that reason, several of the leading COVID-19 vaccines and treatments are based on RNA technology.

一组澳门威尼斯人网上赌场人员 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 study the RNA of viruses to better understand how RNAs work and how they are involved in diseases. 这项RNA澳门威尼斯人网上赌场为开发疫苗和其他药物和治疗方法提供了重要基础,以破坏病毒并阻止感染.

“了解RNA的结构和功能有助于我们了解如何对COVID-19 RNA的作用进行治疗-制造可以感染我们更多细胞和其他人细胞的新病毒,Maquat说.







在过去的几十年, as scientists came to realize that genetic material is largely regulated by the RNA it encodes, 我们的大部分DNA都会产生RNA, RNA不仅是疾病治疗的靶标,也是一种工具, “RNA澳门威尼斯人网上赌场领域已经爆发,Maquat说. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场明白这一点.”

2007年,Maquat成立 RNA生物学中心 作为开展跨学科澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的一种手段的功能, 结构, 和rna的加工. The Center involves researchers from both the River Campus and the Medical Center, 结合生物学专业知识, 化学, 工程, 神经学, 和药理学.

“作为一所大学,我们的优势在于澳门威尼斯人网上赌场专长的多样性, 结合我们高度协作的天性,” Dragony傅, an associate professor of biology on the River Campus and a member of the Center for RNA Biology. “We are surrounded by outstanding researchers who enhance our understanding of RNA biology, 以及一个医学中心,提供翻译方面的知识,从RNA生物学中获得的知识可以应用于治疗.”


A 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》制作的图片 illustrates how the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 enters the body through the nose, 口, 或者眼睛,附着在我们的细胞上. 一旦病毒进入我们的细胞,它就会释放RNA. 我们被劫持的细胞充当了病毒工厂, reading the virus’s RNA and making long viral proteins to compromise the immune system. The virus assembles new copies of itself and spreads to more parts of the body and—by way of saliva, 汗水, 以及其他体液——给其他人.

“一旦病毒进入我们的细胞, 感染和再感染的整个过程取决于病毒RNA,Maquat说.

One of the reasons viruses are such a challenge is that they change and mutate in response to drugs.

That means novel virus treatments and vaccines have to be created each time a new strain of virus presents itself. 在RNA的基础上进行创新澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 科学家能够更好地开发和测试直接针对rna和对病毒生命周期至关重要的过程的治疗方法.


Traditional vaccines against viruses like influenza inject inactivated virus proteins called antigens. The antigens stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize the specific virus and produce antibodies in response, 希望这些抗体能够对抗未来的病毒感染.

以rna为基础的疫苗——比如由辉瑞/BioNTech和美国生物技术公司modern开发的疫苗——不引入抗原, 而是注入一段短序列的合成信使RNA (mRNA),它被包裹在一个特殊工程的脂质纳米颗粒中. This mRNA provides cells with instructions to produce the virus antigen themselves.

一旦疫苗的信使rna进入我们的身体, 例如, 它“指导”我们细胞中的蛋白质合成机制, 它通常从来自我们基因的mrna中产生蛋白质, 产生一块SARS-CoV-2病毒刺突蛋白. 因为SARS-CoV-2病毒刺突蛋白对我们的身体来说是外来的, 然后,我们的身体会产生抗体,使这种蛋白质失活.

“如果病毒从感染者那里进入我们的身体, these antibodies will bind to and inactivate the virus by binding to its spike proteins, 病毒囊的外层是什么,Maquat说.

因此,基于rna的疫苗就像密码一样,指导人体自身复制病毒蛋白和产生的抗体, 导致免疫反应.

与传统疫苗不同, RNA-based vaccines are also beneficial in that they eliminate the need to work with the actual virus.

“处理活病毒成本高昂,而且非常复杂, 要求澳门威尼斯人网上赌场人员使用特殊的生物安全实验室,并穿戴笨重的个人防护装备,以确保病毒是“生物控制的”,没有人会被感染,Maquat说.

Developing a vaccine from a live virus additionally takes much longer than generating an mRNA-based vaccine, 但是“任何人都不应该认为这个过程很简单,Maquat在谈到辉瑞和BioNTech的疫苗时说. “因为这是第一次,所以有很多事情要做.”


道格·安德森的横向肖像, Dragony傅, 和林恩·马夸特, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场病毒RNA的科学家.
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场员道格拉斯·安德森, Dragony傅, 罗彻斯特大学的科学家们澳门威尼斯人网上赌场病毒的RNA,以更好地了解RNA是如何工作的,以及它们是如何参与疾病的. (澳门威尼斯人网上赌场照片/ Matt Wittmeyer / J. 亚当窗口)


Our cells have a number of ways to combat viruses in what can be viewed as an “arms race” between host and virus. 我们细胞武器库中的武器之一是Maquat发现的一种RNA监视机制,称为无义介导的mRNA衰变(NMD).


Maquat’s discovery has contributed to the development of drug therapies for genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, 并且可能对开发冠状病毒的治疗方法有用.

“NMD还帮助我们对抗病毒感染, 这就是为什么许多病毒抑制或逃避NMD的原因,她补充道. “COVID-19病毒的基因组是一种正意义的单链RNA. 众所周知,其他的积极意义, single-stranded RNA viruses evade NMD by having RNA 结构s that prevent NMD from degrading viral RNAs.”


他们最近的工作集中在SARS-CoV-2结构蛋白N上. 来自受感染人类细胞的实验室实验和数据集表明,这种病毒是不寻常的,因为它不抑制NMD途径,而NMD途径调节我们的许多基因和病毒的一些基因. 相反,病毒N蛋白似乎促进了这一途径.

“SARS-CoV-2 reproduces its RNA genome with much higher efficiency than other pathogenic human viruses,Maquat说. “Maybe there is a connection there; time will tell.”

在生物系,傅和 杰克·维伦 纳撒尼尔和海伦·维什生物学教授, 获得了美国国家科学基金会的加速资助奖,以应用他们在细胞和进化生物学方面的专业知识来澳门威尼斯人网上赌场与COVID-19感染有关的蛋白质. The funding was part of the NSF’s Rapid Response Research (RAPID) program to mobilize funding for high priority projects.

Werren’s research will be important in ameliorating some of the potential side effects of COVID-19 infections, 包括血栓和心脏病, while Fu’s research will provide insight into the potential effects of viral infection on human cell metabolism.

“Our research will provide insight into the potential effects of viral infection on host cellular processes,傅说. “确定哪些细胞功能受到病毒的影响,可能有助于减轻COVID-19造成的一些负面影响.格林说了两遍.

道格拉斯•安德森, Aab心血管澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所的医学助理教授,也是RNA生物学中心的成员, studies how RNA mutations can give rise to human disease and has found that alternative therapeutics, 比如基因编辑技术CRISPR, may additionally “usher in a new approach to how we target and combat infectious diseases,他说.

在过去的几年里, 安德森的实验室已经开发了工具和输送系统,使用靶向rna的CRISPR-Cas13来治疗影响肌肉功能的人类遗传疾病. CRISPR-Cas13 is like a molecular pair of scissors that can target specific RNAs for degradation, 使用小, 可编程向导rna.

当武汉首次出现健康危机时, 中国, researchers in Anderson’s lab turned their focus toward developing a CRISPR-Cas13 therapeutic aimed at SARS-CoV-2. 运用已有的关于冠状病毒RNA复制的知识, 他们设计了单一的CRISPR引导RNA,能够靶向SARS-CoV-2感染细胞内产生的每个病毒RNA. 使用安德森实验室开发的一种新的克隆方法, 多个CRISPR引导RNA可以打包成一个治疗载体(一种基因工程载体),同时靶向多个病毒RNA位点. 这种多管齐下的靶向策略可以作为一种治疗方法,防止病毒引起的细胞毒性,并防止可能发生突变的病毒“逃逸”.

“传染性病毒和流行病似乎无处不在, which has made it hard to rapidly develop and screen traditional small molecule therapeutics or vaccines,安德森说. “很明显,有必要开发替代的靶向治疗方法, 比如CRISPR-Cas13, which have the ability to be rapidly reprogrammed to target new emerging pandemics.”

目前正在考虑许多针对新型冠状病毒的新疗法, 有一件事是肯定的, Maquat说:“靶向RNA, 或者它产生的蛋白质, 对治疗这种疾病至关重要吗.”


今天生活在美国的大多数人只听说过1918年的流感大流行和相对较新的RNA病毒, 比如埃博拉或寨卡病毒, 这在其他国家也很常见.

“RNA treatments will most likely be a wave of the future for these and other emerging diseases,Maquat说. “Epidemiologists know new infectious pathogens are coming given how small the world has become with international travel, 包括来往于人类和动物密切接触的地方.”

尤其是蝙蝠,它们是病毒的宿主. Many bat species are able to live with viruses without experiencing ill effects, 考虑到蝙蝠不同寻常的生理机能. 如果这些蝙蝠病毒发生变异,能够感染人类, 然而, 将会有新的疾病, Maquat说.

“这只是一个何时发生以及病毒会是什么的问题. 希望我们将准备好并有能力利用针对COVID-19的新管道开发针对这些新病毒的疫苗.”

This story was originally published on April 28, 2020, and updated on 2020年12月14日.


Researchers and volunteers in Rochester have been involved in the testing of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine since May, 疫苗开发中使用的技术可以追溯到澳门威尼斯人网上赌场数十年的传染病澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.

Bats carry many viruses, including the one behind COVID-19, without becoming ill. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的生物学家正在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场蝙蝠的免疫系统,以寻找“模仿”人类免疫系统的潜在方法.

